Ron Sergeant II is the principal owner and operator for SSSE, LLC dba Sergeant & Sons Septic and Excavating. Ron comes from a long line of equpipment operators and small business owners. Their specialty; septic and excavating. The Sergeant's originate from northern Michigan. Ron is a fourth generation septic and excavator. He began running equipment and digging holes for septic installation while working alongside his grandfather, father, uncle and younger brother for his family owned business when he was only knee high to his father. Ron grew up around the septic and excavating world as his father and grandfathers father before them. The tradition of owning a septic and excavating business has become something of a right of passage for them. Currently his younger brother owns a septic and excavating business in Michigan where the brothers grew up. It would seem that dirt digging is in their blood. It has been a life long dream of Ron and his wife to move out west. Recently Ron and his family relocated to the beautiful Western Slope of Colorado where he, his wife, Meghan and their two sons, Ronnie III and Patrick, are carrying on the tradition of
With over 70 yrs. of septic and excavating knowledge and experience behind him, Ron and Sergeant & Sons Septic and Excavating is among one of the best in the business.